Saturday, November 28, 2009

I don't have any plan to send my kids to a camp

Our tent is only $250 a day, gratify send a analyse for the whole week."They will pay their period in front of screens, the TV screen, the machine screen, and the video game screen. We like to call it Screen Time. Instead of three meals a day, we feed them every period daylong with junk food to keep them from being hungry for meals.

"We take your kids and keep them inside every period long. We do not allow them to advise around much.Let's say you conventional a flyer for a newborn summer period tent in the accumulation that contained the mass information:Would you send your kids to this camp? Of course not! What parent in their correct mind would?

What to do

Screen time is not necessarily a bad thing. It's when screen time is the only thing that it becomes a bad thing.

A strategy that has worked in our family and in the families with whom I counsel and coach is this:

For every hour that a kid spends in front of a screen, the kid has to spend an hour outside having fun.

Simple, powerful, it works. Now go use this stuff!

So why do we do it?

So why do we let our kids do this everyday?

If you will indulge a 47 year old guy just one little "when I was young rant" here goes:

When I was a kid, they had to drag me inside for dinner or bedtime.

Many people my age tell me the same thing.

Most of these things do not happen all at once, they just sort of creep up on you.

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